1.Set Clear Goals Define what you need to achieve by the end of the day. Having clear goals will help you stay focused and prevent unnecessary time-wasting activities.

2.Create a To-Do List:Make a list of tasks you need to accomplish. Break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable steps. This list will serve as a guide throughout the day, keeping you on track.

3.Prioritize Tasks: Start your day by identifying the most important and time-sensitive tasks. Focus on completing these tasks first to ensure that critical work gets done within your regular hours.

4.Minimize DistractiosIn dentify potential distractions in your workspace and minimize them. This could include turning off non-essential notifications, silencing your phone, and creating a clutter-free environment

5 Avoid Multitasking. While it may seem efficient, multitasking often leads to lower-quality work and takes longer to complete. Focus on one task at a time to achieve better results.

6 . Delegate and Collaborate If you're part of a team, delegate tasks when appropriate. Collaborate with colleagues to share the workload and accomplish tasks more efficiently.

7.Learn to Say No: Be mindful of taking on additional tasks that aren't directly related to your priorities. Politely decline tasks that can be handled by others or aren't urgent.