Federer: Twelve Final Days “a film about tennis legend Roger Federer, will come out on June 20.

By Vikram

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Federer: Twelve Final Days

In the trailer for Asif Kapadia’s documentary Federer: Twelve Final Days, Roger Federer shows how much he will miss his long and successful tennis career. On Monday, the trailer came out. It sets the scene for the film’s world premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival on June 10.

Federer: Twelve Final Days
Federer: Twelve Final Days

Federer can’t hold back tears in what was supposed to be a private home video after 24 years of playing tennis professionally. He admits, “I thought I had my emotions in check until this morning, but I can feel it coming up.” As he gets ready for his last tournament match, he shows a rare vulnerability.

The trailer for the new sports documentary about Roger Federer shows the tennis legend saying goodbye to his career with tears in his eyes. Fans all over the world were deeply moved by his speech. There are parts of the trailer that look like real matches, which will definitely give tennis fans chills.

Federer: Twelve Final Days is a close look at the last 12 days of Federer’s amazing career An Oscar went to Asif Kapadia and Joe Sabia for their work on it.
. The film, which started out as a private home video, shows Federer at his most open and honest as he says goodbye to tennis and the fans who have supported him for over twenty years.

The documentary has interviews with Rafael Nadal, Novak Djokovic, and Andy Murray, who are Federer’s famous rivals and friends. These interviews give a unique look into the relationships between these tennis stars.

The world premiere of Federer: Twelve Final Days will take place at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York City on Monday, June 10. The movie will then be available on Amazon Prime Video.


hi I'm Vikram working since 2018 as a professional blogger article which i post on this website after high research

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